
For the theme of this blog I chose “Ixion” because it looked very organized. For me organization is very important and it can impact whether or not a site will get visitors. I also liked how I could edit the color schemes to make it nice and relaxing for visitors.


I chose the title Write Your Verse because I wanted visitors to try and learn new ways of writing. I feel that by learning new ways of writing, potential writers can hone their craft for different writing styles and make it their own. The title is also derived from one of my favorite movies: Dead Poets Society. In the movie Robin Williams asks the classroom of boys, “What will your verse be?” I wanted this to impact writers and make them think of how their writing will impact themselves or the people around them.

Color Scheme

For the color scheme I chose to have a khaki background so it does not distract the reader from the texts of my posts. For my site and post titles I chose to have the font color black so it stands out from the khaki background and so readers can read with ease. For site pages I chose to have orange text so they would be interpreted as subcategories and contrast with the title of my blog.


I chose “Abril Fatface” for my site headings and my post title headings because I felt that it conveyed a handwritten style of font. I thought it looked dainty, but attractive for readers. For my site pages I chose the font “Alegraya Sans” because I wanted a contrast with my main titles and my subtitles on my site page. I feel that the contrast between the two fonts allows readers to differentiate between the titles on my site page.


For my home page image, I wanted to choose an image that conveys the message of the website that also portrays me as a person. I chose to have a notebook and pencil because I felt that it went well with the title Write Your Verse and I felt it conveyed a pleasant setting for writers; which also portrays who I am as a person because I love to write in a pleasant setting. For images featured in my articles, I try to pick images that are close to what I am discussing in my posts so readers can have examples to follow along with.


For my sidebar I chose to have a “search” bar so viewers can look up any specific posts if they know the title. The calendar also goes hand-in-hand with a search bar because the calendar conveys certain days that I posted on my site. If a viewer clicks on a certain day on my calendar they will be able to see what posts I did for that day. Finally, I have a link to a video that plays relaxing music. I chose to include this because sometimes music can provide writers with inspiration and it can provide a calming environment to brainstorm ideas.


For pages, I have an about me page to convey what I hope readers will gain from my website and I have a site information page to explain my tactics for choosing my layout and what sort of content I want to be displayed on my site. I have different portfolio categories to display my projects for Digital Rhetoric and Writing as well as outside projects that I have done that I would like to be displayed. Finally, I have a contact page so if any viewers have questions they can reach out to me from that page.