Contextualizing Intro

      As technology becomes increasingly present in our daily lives, we are constantly finding new ways to utilize technology to solve problems ranging from convenience of devices to tools help preserve energy resources in the environment. There are various controversies and skeptics that question how technology can help with conserving energy. With the prevalence of technology in society, people are finding new uses of technology through the creation of technological devices and machines that can provide alternative ways to conserve energy. Some examples of energy saving technologies include solar power, wind power, hydropower, and various other devices that can help with our conservation of energy. Although there are people who show support towards conserving energy with these new technologies, there are skeptics who do not believe these technologies really conserve energy. There are companies that provide statistics on their websites to make people aware of the successes of these energy saving technologies. I hope to create a Prezi with statistics, videos, and interviews to enlighten people on this ubiquitous issue.

Genre Analysis

      The following YouTube Prezis are examples a final product that I plan to achieve. The chart includes a comparison and contrast embodied elements that I plan to combine for the final project.

cwz1011 “Renewable Energy- Reasons to Invest”

Mr10orLess “Environmental Science: Renewable Energy Sources”

Prezis cwz1011 “Renewable Energy- Reasons to Invest” Mr10orLess “Environmental Science: Renewable Energy Sources”
URL (for reference)
Background color Light Gray Black with picture of Earth and text around it.
Navigation Left and Right arrows Left and Right Arrows
Use of words Titles, explanatory text, and statistics. Text color  varies for specific facts and text. Titles, explanatory text, and statistical information. Explanatory text color is white and there are advantage and disadvantage pieces of text that are marked green for advantage and red for disadvantage.
Author cwz1011 Mr10orLess
Use of Images 10+ images used to showcase topic, cartoons, and icons to advertise renewable energy sources. Images used to display idea that is being talked about
Use/purpose of navigational path Different circles in the presentation discuss specific topics.  Path revolves around idea of renewable energy being centered around the earth. Ideas expressed in a radial pattern that jut out from the earth like spokes.
Music or Voice Music Voice

      These two example Prezis are very similar in how they layout their presentation so that their overall idea is in the center and that their supporting elements, whether it is text, images, or videos, make up the outer sides of it. Their color schemes are also beneficial for making key information stand out from their backgrounds. Although these presentations center around one main topic, the layout of the presentations are vastly different. In cwz101’s example the author uses a neutral gray for a background so it does not distract from the information. The text is embodied in separate circles to convey specific ideas and is presented in vibrant fonts to contrast from the gray background. The author also has music playing in the background of the presentation that compliments the presentation of information through the Prezi. Contrary to cwz1011’s presentation, Mr10orLess uses a black background and an image of the Earth for the center. The title is at the top of the presentation and the different ideas that are going to be discussed are in radial points that surround the image of the Earth. The author had supporting images and displayed explanatory text in white, while advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy resources were highlighted in green and red.

Plan of Action


      Since a Prezi presentation applies to the visual mode, I plan on taking advantage of color and style when working on the context of my presentation. For the layout of my presentation, I plan on having the background of my project be a neutral color and doing a radial design. This will be a great design in relation to my topic because I feel I can easily discuss my topics following a specific order. I plan on using the same layout strategies as the examples above in which I have my title in the center and having sections of renewable energy statistics and supporting facts, images, and videos surrounding my main idea, while also following a logical flow. For the first couple of slides I will include brief descriptions of elements and include statistics of renewable energy. On following slides I will include videos from popular science YouTube channels that provide adequate scientific information on how these technologies can help conserve energy. Finally I will include supporting images of the resources I will be discussing and images that convey statistics about those resources. This layout is appropriate for my project because I start with various statistics with professional interpretation about renewable resources and how they can save energy. I feel that this way is a good persuasive technique for relaying my idea to skeptics.

Center of Gravity

      The primary claim of my Multimodal Project would be that there are various benefits of renewable energy resources and that there are ways that it successfully conserves energy. People will care about this idea because there is constant debate on whether energy saving technologies actually help the environment. I think that this presentation will make viewers aware of the benefits of renewable energy sources and how they can help our energy consumption and be economically beneficial. I also hope that after my presentation, people will be more aware of the benefits of renewable energy resources and possibly do additional research to see if they can use any of these technologies to help with their own energy conservation.

Research Plan

      For this project I definitely plan to use elements of additional research to help with supporting my idea. For finding statistics I plan on using the official Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy website to find concrete statistics and definitions of elements to renewable energy resources. I also plan on finding YouTube videos from scientists that provide great interpretation and evidence on the success of technological resources. To include other facts about renewable energy resources, I also will be referring to scholarly articles that talk about the benefits of renewable energy on the environment and how its an economical gain. Some articles that I have gathered so far and planning on using are a book entitled, Renewable Energy Technologies, by GJean-Claude Sabonnadière and “Efficiency and effectiveness of promotion systems for electricity generation from renewable energy sources- Lessons from EU countries” by Reinhard Haas and colleagues. Since my previous article samples from other projects do not directly relate to my idea for this Multimodal Project, I will most likely find other sources that are better suited for my topic. I plan to look up scientific channels on YouTube that discuss the growing popularity of renewable energy to add elements of pathos, so the audience can feel empowered to do their own research on these technologies. I think these elements of research will be very impactful with conveying my overall idea on the benefits of renewable technology and the conservation of energy.