Multimodal Project Update 7: Last One!

      As I am nearing the end of my time working on my Multimodal Project, I would say that I am nearly finished with the finishing touches to my project. I am a waiting a response from the creator of a YouTube video I am referencing to reply back to an email that I sent him asking if I would have permission to include his video in my presentation. If I do not hear back from him by Sunday, I plan to use another video that I have found that would be another great conclusion to my presentation. I am working on the layout on some of the slides and making sure that the transitions between them is smooth and engaging. As soon as I finish with the layout of the slides I will start to put in voice recordings for each of the slides; these voice recordings will elaborate more on the information presented. After the recordings are in place I will record an entire video of the presentation to upload onto YouTube.

      Before I present my project to the class, I also need to say a brief speech about my project. This speech includes my ideas and intentions that motivated my project and what rhetorical choices I used to fulfill them. I wanted to convey the idea of showcasing new technologies, other than iPhone’s or tablets, that are actually growing in popularity through their help in conserving resources in our environment. I hope that my presentation choices are attractive to my audience and that the information that I provide enlighten’s people on the technologies that can be used to preserve our environment.

      I also need to include a final reflection about my Multimodal Project and about my time in Digital Rhetoric and Writing. Already I have learned so much and I am very eager to use what I have learned for future digital projects. I plan on doing a Prezi since I have a lot of experience with it. I also plan on having the theme be an iceberg or a mountain to symbolize my journey through Digital Rhetoric and Writing. I guess you could say I am “climbing the mountain of success.” I plan to talk about why I chose technology as a common theme throughout my projects and highlight important lessons that I have learned from the course that I will definitely carry with me on future endeavors.

Multimodal Project Update 6

      While everyone was enjoying their Thanksgiving break, a period of mostly relaxation, I was hard at work with putting finishing touches on my Rough Draft for my Multimodal Project. Instead of having all of my information on my slides as an audio recording was playing, I thought that it would be very beneficial if I had images with supporting words or text that correlates with what I am talking about as the audio is playing. I have found several good supporting images and I have found specific words or pieces of text to incorporate as well.

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      For my rough draft, I chose not to have the audio component, but rather have my Prezi with my images and texts as well as a script for what I would be saying for each of the slides. I feel that this is a good choice so I can get feedback on the navigation and layout of the presentation itself, before I start to conduct the audio recordings and record a video of the presentation. For Thursday, my goal is to get the layout of my presentation critiqued and apply any corrections. Afterwords, I will add the audio component and get the updated presentation reviewed to make sure the audio works with the presentation. Finally, I will take a screen recording of my presentation and upload the final product to my website.

Multimodal Project Update 5

      For this update, I will continue to outline what I have done and what I plan to do for the upcoming week. Yesterday, I met with my professor and she recommended that I limit the amount of information on my slides and add more images. My plan for the next week is to include more images into my Prezi and to limit the amount of information that I put on my slides. My goal is to have a single word or statistic presented with an image for my slides and include a voice over to elaborate more on those key points. I also plan to relate them back to my image(s) on the slides and how they connect with my overall concept of Renewable Energy Technologies. Since I have not had much time to work on finalizing my presentation, I figured I would give a brief recap of the overall scope of my project.

      My target audience for my Multimodal Project is skeptics of renewable energy technology and my purpose for this presentation is to make them more aware of the benefits of these technologies. I am referencing statistics and benefits of these technologies that are presented on websites and online articles. As far as my design choices go, I chose to use Prezi because I feel that I work really well with Prezi and it can be a great way to convey a topic and I can include multiple media sources to support it. A Prezi can be very successful because it appeals to the aural mode, and when I do a voiceover, it can also appeal to the linguistic mode because the way I choose to speak in my recording can affect the effectiveness of my presentation. I chose to have the background of my Prezi be a world map, since renewable energy technologies are a worldwide phenomena and I have a circle in the center of my Prezi with topics around it that follow a particular layout of what I will be discussing.

Multimodal Project Update 4

So far I am making excellent progress with my Multimodal Project. I have created a Prezi and have started gathering information from my resources as well as supporting images. I have created a rough cut for my project as well and I am in the process of adding additional information and revising it into a rough draft.

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I have also put together a works cited page so I can keep track of all of my resources and I have begun to edit the order of information that I wish to use for my project.

I am close to being done with a rough draft, I just need to add more supporting information to my slides. I am also having technical difficulties with establishing a navigation pattern on Prezi. I have title slides, but having them transition to the actual information presented on the slides is proving to be challenging. I plan on working on this more and will look up tutorials to help with planning my transitions between slides. Another issue that I ran into was finding scholarly sources to reference for my project. If I found a resource that I was planning on using, some of the information would be unavailable. I have found some online articles that provide really good supporting evidence, but I also plan to work on finding some scholarly resources to support my points.


What I Did:

Gathered information and images from resources

Created rough cut

Established a works cited page

What I Need To Do:

Add more information to slides

Fix technical difficulties with navigation

Find more scholarly resources to support my points