
Welcome to the Write Your Verse Blog! My name is Lauren Balbierer and I am a sophomore English major at Moravian College. I love reading and writing and always love expressing my creativity. Whether it is painting or drawing or writing poems or short stories I always express my creativity. On this site I will express my thoughts on a particular topic of rhetorical writing for my Digital Rhetoric and Writing class. I will also use this page to upload outside content, whether it is writing or art, that viewers can feel free to browse.

Writing, especially creative writing, is one of my favorite ways to express my creativity. I also love to challenge myself with learning different forms of writing to broaden my horizons. The more we know about different forms of writing, the more we can open ourselves to learn about different writing perspectives. On this page I will rhetorically analyze several readings that I have done about digital rhetoric and writing. I also hope that readers will gain a new perspective and learn several characteristics of digital rhetoric.

I hope that viewers will be able to learn more about rhetorical writing as I convey key points to help with rhetorical writing. I plan to utilize different techniques to attract readers to my writing and convey sufficient information so viewers can learn more about digital rhetoric and writing.

During this course I plan to…

  • Rhetorically analyze different mediums, whether it be online blogs, articles, or entertainment.
  • Learn key elements of rhetoric and how it can be described.
  • Gain confidence with new technology that I will be using to post on my blog.

I hope you enjoy all that my site has to offer and learn as much as I am about rhetoric and it’s influence on digital writing.